If you don't know that I'm a Metallica fan by now, we probably aren't that close. So let me clarify: I'm a Metallica fan! The title “Ride The Lightening” seemed appropriate for this post. Have you ever watched lightening chase across the sky? It will run in the clouds. Sometimes it will just be a […]
I’ve spending some time, at the recommendation of a friend, studying the “Law Of Attraction”. The premise is this: “Our thoughts and feelings create our existence“ Essentially if you think negatively, or feel negatively, you are likely to “reap” more of the same. On the flip side of that coin, if your are happy and […]
I had a conversation with a friend the other morning about the successes (and short comings) of a recent running event I helped put together. If you read my last post, I talked about my focus being a little skewed toward money. Basically using it as a benchmark of my performance. I guess it is […]
I believe that our world suffered a shock to it’s system after the recession hit us several years ago. Well, at least my world did. Ten years ago my focus was financial success. The almighty dollar drove all. It was the symbol of business success. This was the case for many an American. But the […]
When one thinks of the word Charity, a few thoughts come to mind. “Crap, they want money again!” “That’s what you do when you want a tax break.“ “You have to have money to give money.“ “I don’t have time to dedicate to such a venture.” Everyone thinks that time and money will be required, […]
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