In a conversation with a guy from San Diego earlier this week, we discussed some life-changing concepts. He mostly discussed things that I can focus on in my life to narrow down my goals and remove clutter from my path. More or less a session on how to re-focus my life. Remove what’s not helping […]
I’ve been a task-oriented, checklist driven fool for years now. I’ve lived and died by my To Do list in Outlook for what seems like an eternity. Reflecting during some quiet time this weekend, I thought to myself, “Why would you create such a massive list of things to do?”. Seriously. I’d wake up thinking […]
Over the years, I have read many books, attended many seminars and repeatedly listened to successful men and women expound to me their wisdom. Quite a bit of that wisdom you have seen written in this blog. Whether it be guarding your tongue, working on your relationships with others or just simply improving your thought […]
Did you ever play with one of those “Paint By The Numbers” kits as a child? Actually used a brush and not some “Program” on your PC? Didn’t we all? My first one I remember quite well. It’s not everyday that you can forget a velvet portrait of the movie poster for “Star Wars”. Yeah, […]
You ever get into that mind-spin where something negative happens and you start “What If’ing” yourself to death? Really just grinding on it over and over in your mind. Then you start to talk about that negative thought? All things come from a thought first. You have to “think” it before you can say it. […]
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” -Or- “As a woman thinketh in her heart, so is she.” Who we are is who we “THINK” we are. We’ve been given this powerful little computer between our ears. It processes millions of memories, activities and actions with little or no effort. We […]
That’s the question. But first, here’s the definition, courtesy of for·give –verb (used with object) 1. to grant pardon for or remission of (an offense, debt, etc.); absolve. 2. to give up all claim on account of; remit (a debt, obligation, etc.). 3. to grant pardon to (a person). 4. to cease to feel […]
In my last post, we started exploring your past and categorizing it by time frame. You should have taken the good, the bad and the ugly and created a list of highs and lows in your life. Did you do that? Good! Now what you want to do is take some time and meditate on […]
Last week, we spoke about finding out what moves you. Things that you’ve experienced in your life that has such a deep impact on you that you simply cannot explain away as “just an emotion” or “a momentary lapse of reason”. In the beginning of my self-study, this was something that was really hard to […]
There are so many things that we use as “motivation” in our lives. We all have a small group of things, goals and objectives that we each set for ourselves that drives us to be better. Carrots that we each put at the end of the stick. Financial goals: A somewhat elusive numerical target that […]
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