

Time For Conversation

Staring across my cluttered desk, I spotted a elderly gentleman headed toward my office.  He meandered across the breezeway to my door. Without knocking, the door slid open and his head poked inside.  He looked like the kind of guy that has been retired awhile and has plenty of time on his hands.  This is the kiss […]

Those Who Are Already Close…

My goal for you, dear readers, is to take a close look at your life and notice one person today that you take for granted.  Then tell them how much you appreciate them. What are you waiting for? Now is a good time… We will wait until you get back to finish this story… Surely […]

Uppie’s Update – Week 4

Ok, I’m not going to bore you with all of the details of that massive list.  But what I will do is bless you with this weeks “highs” and “lows” as the relate to my goals.. As I said before, most lose sight of their resolutions or goals by Valentine’s Day… Ha!  I beat the […]

Recent Posts

Who Am I?

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” -Or- “As a woman thinketh in her heart, so is she.”   Who we are is who we “THINK” we are. We’ve been given this powerful little computer between our ears.  It processes millions of memories, activities and actions with little or no effort.  We […]

Uppie’s Update – Week 7

Well, here’s the low down for this week: Weight loss back on track.  Apparently steroids, when administered for bronchitis, will also generate some weight gain.  Off the pills and back to the gym. BMI is back in line where I was two weeks ago. Weather is gorgeous.  Time to find that bicycle for Candi and […]

Forgive, Or Not To Forgive…

That’s the question. But first, here’s the definition, courtesy of for·give –verb (used with object) 1. to grant pardon for or remission of (an offense, debt, etc.); absolve. 2. to give up all claim on account of; remit (a debt, obligation, etc.). 3. to grant pardon to (a person). 4. to cease to feel […]

Uppie’s Update – Week 6

Well, this week was festive to say the least! With the advent of another Month End at work and getting diagnosed with bronchitis, some plans just laid to the side.  But here’s the recap, to keep me honest: Weight loss is now gain.  Diet changes still in effect and will hopefully return me to task […]

A Birds-Eye View

In my last post, we started exploring your past and categorizing it by time frame.  You should have taken the good, the bad and the ugly and created a list of highs and lows in your life. Did you do that? Good! Now what you want to do is take some time and meditate on […]

Uppie’s Update – Week 5

Ok, so here’s some of the exciting info as relating to my New Year’s goals. House in under contract!  Closing date on March 12th. Weight loss is still stuck.  195 seems to be the norm now.  Changing my routine and diet to try to move the number down a little.  But now I am way […]

Finding Your Passion

Last week, we spoke about finding out what moves you.  Things that you’ve experienced in your  life that has such a deep impact on you that you simply cannot explain away as “just an emotion” or “a momentary lapse of reason”. In the beginning of my self-study, this was something that was really hard to […]

Uppie’s Update – Week 4

Ok, I’m not going to bore you with all of the details of that massive list.  But what I will do is bless you with this weeks “highs” and “lows” as the relate to my goals.. As I said before, most lose sight of their resolutions or goals by Valentine’s Day… Ha!  I beat the […]

What Moves You?

There are so many things that we use as “motivation” in our lives.  We all have a small group of things, goals and objectives that we each set for ourselves that drives us to be better.  Carrots that we each put at the end of the stick. Financial goals:  A somewhat elusive numerical target that […]

Uppie’s Update – Week 3

The updated parts have been bolded for easier consumption:  Losing weight / 2 lbs per week: I’m at 192.0 lbs, which puts me behind my objective of 190.0.  Two pounds off during Super Bowl weekend?!  Not bad… Run a 5K by my birthday: Training is on track. Becoming a cyclist: Talking to a few experienced […]