Another Brick In Your Wall

Over coffee with friends, the topic of “Hitting The Wall” has been surfacing a lot lately.

It seems that it’s been happening to quite a few of us.

  • Falling out of love with the run?
  • Weight loss stopped?
  • Too tired for your cardio workout?
  • All the hard work seems for naught?

You aren’t alone!

Do you have that feeling like you just don’t have the energy to run, walk or exercise like you told yourself you should?

Then when you don’t, here comes the all-consuming guilt that follows that makes your resolve soften even more by creating a little depression.

Nothing is more disheartening than stepping on the scales after weeks of effort only to see the same number staring back at you.  Even worse is when you see a bigger number.

I get it.  I deal with it.  I am going through the same things too.

Good news is that everyone has these mental and physical battles.

And more often than you might think.

So how do I get that fire back?

Here’s my thoughts…

Build Your Dream

You’ve got to refocus on your dream.  Or in some cases, actually set your dream.   Put your goal back in front of you. Let your imagination see the “you” of the future.

If you’re trying for a weight loss goal, go buy a pair of jeans that are a size or two too small.

If you’re going for a distance run, go buy one of those round white stickers that say “13.1” on it so you can put it on you car after you run your first Half Marathon.

Just sit quietly in your chair, eyes closed, and just imagine what it’ll be like to see that number on the scales.   Imagine yourself crossing that finish line.

Listen to the cheers!

Paint the picture of you future and burn that image in your mind.

Map The Way

You’ve got to set a goal that’s measurable and believable.

Example:  You’re wanting to lose 100 lbs.

That looks pretty ominous doesn’t it?

Break it out into a timeline.  Let’s say, a pound a week?   That looks more realistic right?

If you are going to run your first 5K, you know what you’ve got to build to.

There are many online programs that can help you develop a running plan that will help you build up to your goal, such as the Couch to 5K program, or the Training Calculator at Runner’s

You’ve got to budget yourself mentally when it comes to tackling something big and new.

You’ve got to know where you’re going before you can map the way.

Find A Wingman

Nothing is more motivating than building on a dream or goal with someone else.

In my case, my wife is my biggest supporter.  She is behind me every step of the way when it comes to my goals.

Candi is working toward her first 5K.   She’s participating in the Couch to 5K program here in Shreveport.   Minus an injury setback, she’s going to do great!

The thing I like about this program is that it puts together a group of people that share the same goal.   A support network.  Something that let’s you see others do what you are trying to do.

I think groups like these are empowering.

Finding a community of support is crucial to your success in many areas of your life.

You can do it alone, but it’s easier to achieve with the help of others.

What’s to come…

Over the next few posts, we’ll get a little deeper into these three subjects.

What I wanted most to say is that “I know how you feel” and I want to offer a hand to you and maybe we can lift up each other to achieve something great in our lives.

See you on the field, my friends.