Tools Of The Trade – Calorie Tracker

The first thing I really started tracking when I was losing weight was calories.  I used a really nifty iPhone app called “Calorie Tracker” by

But first, you’ll want to go to and enter some pertinent information such as your height, weight, weight loss/gain objectives and your activity level.

You’ll want to be honest.  As they say, garbage in, garbage out.

As you advance to the next page, you can now create a Livestrong account, or simply tie this to your Facebook account.  Either way, it’s pretty simple from there.


For $2.99, you can’t beat what this tool can do for you.


Now you have a really cool place online and on your phone to track your meals, weight and exercise.  It will break down some really interesting data for you.  Let’s look a few screen shots from mine…


This is the front page when you log in to the app.  It gives you a great visual on the progress of your day as you enter your meals, exercise and weight.










This screen will give you the option to enter your weight on a daily basis, give you your BMI based off of the data entered, and gives you a nice bar graph for you “visual” people like myself.










Now this really neat screen lets you enter in your most recent meal.  Whether it be by ingredient, or searching that “Big Mac” from McDonalds, you will see some really interesting calorie information.


I CHALLENGE YOU to search for your most favorite meal that you would consider a “heavy meal”.

It’ll blow your mind what calories you’ll see as a result of your search.

Take a look at one of my more favorite meals on the search to the left.  One meal exceeds my current daily allowance for calories.

One meal! And I would eat a normal lunch before going to Chili’s!



I’ve often heard the phrase “You Expect What You Inspect”.  My challenge to you is to find a way to take a magnifying glass to your food choices.

I think it’ll surprise you once you stop and stare for a minute.

It definitely caught my attention…




One side note:  The Calorie Tracker app is only currently available on the iPhone and Blackberry.

For you Android users, my friend Kevin strongly recommends “My Fitness Pal“.

It currently supports all three phone platforms!