Are You An Astronaut Or Zoo Keeper?

Looking back on my childhood, the career choice of “Service Manager” was not on my list alphabetically between “Astronaut” and “Zoo Keeper”.

Oddly enough, I don’t even think it was on the list my guidance counsellor gave me…

Mind you, I’m not knocking my career.  It actually fits me fairly well.  But more about that toward the end.

And on another side note, this post isn’t specifically career oriented.  It’s just one of the many facets of life that I find a few of my friends are unhappy with.

After conversing with one or two close friends, I noticed a few different levels of happiness in the people in my life.

These levels read much like that dreaded survey you get in your InBox after visiting a hotel.

One a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your life?

Completely Satsified

If you fit into this category, you likely have the perfect spouse, kids, pet, house, job and yard.  You feel as you have reached a state of completion in your life.  You love what you do and would do it for free.  “I’m just so darn lucky to be me!”

Somewhat Satisfied

If you land in this box, you feel fairly accomplished.  You’ve reached some successes in your life.  Married well.  Great kids.  Thoughts you have might include something like, “Life is pretty good”.  In your mind you wouldn’t mind just a bit more success or happiness in your life.  But overall, a good place to be.

Somewhat Dissatisfied

If you find yourself in this box, there seems to be this looming “What If?” in the back of your mind.  Maybe life would be better if I had a different job?  What if I could lose those few extra pounds?  I guess it could be worse, I suppose.  But really…  What do I need to be happy like these other people?

Completely Dissatisfied

If you are in this category, it’s usually displayed as anger.  Upset because you don’t have the perfect spouse, or that your car is a piece of crap.  Loathe many people that you work with.  Maybe a low opinion of yourself.  Voted “Most Likely To Shoot Up Your Office”.  Bitter at the world because it appears it’s given you a big fat lemon.

So, where in this “Life Survey” do you land?

Ultimately I think the most successful people in this world aren’t “doing” the “job” they love.

They are using the talents they enjoy and applying them to their lives.


I like working with people.  Maybe more so on a personal level.  Like a coach or motivator.  Hence a lot of the content in this blog.

I do see the good in people.  On a deeper level, I see the hurt in people.  That’s where I feel compelled to reach out.

I think my desire to help others is directly related to the experiences in my life.  Some of the hurt, fear, anxiety and low self-esteem issues really resonate within me.  It makes it easier for me to recognize it in others.  I guess with age comes some wisdom (although I can’t have a whole lot of it) and the desire to reach out and lift up someone else who is like me.

First, you’ve got to answer a few questions.

It comes down to this:

  • Finding out who you’d love to be.
  • Finding out what you’d love to do.

Next week…  Who Would I Love To Be?

I will also be seeking some “audience participation” in the next few posts. If you are interested, email me.