Uppie’s Update – Week 29

Well, it’s been a productive week.  Quite a bit of study on who I am as a leader.

Worked on developing some skills that I have never used before.  Learning to market has been challenging, but fun.

Spent some time studying myself, how I interact with others and how poorly some of that is working.

I am learning that getting angry solves nothing.  Getting resolve perpetuates growth.

I am digging up old abilities, dusting them off and taking the cynicism out of them.

On the physical front, I enrolled in two 5K races in the next two months.

The Anytime’s Caring for Kids 5k for Shriners.

The next one coming up in September (I believe) will be a big focus for me as well.  Looking to maybe enlist some volunteers for a team?  Keep watching…

The other goals I’ve been working on are still on track…



Financial Planning

Career Growth

Ever get really excited about where you are headed in life?

I am.

As I grow, I’ll share.  But as for now, I’ll keep you wondering.

Maybe you can tell me if it’s working?

I’ll explain Mickey later, too.