Blog O’ The Week – Journeyman Cook

Ok, I can hear it already…

Another darn foodie?!

Absolutely!  It’s one of my favorite topics.  Being a recovering food-aholic, sometimes it’s therapeutic for me to blog  about food instead of eating it!

This one is called Journeyman Cook, One Man’s Ongoing Quest To Become A Better Cook.

Paul DeLuca is the awesome author of this detailed and fascinating blog.  I’ve never met Paul, but I know him via his wife, Renee, who is one of my very first Twitter pals.  So he comes highly recommended.

If you are looking to follow along with someone with the writing ability that’s second only to his cooking ability, this is a blog for you!

Here’s the About page from Paul’s own words on who he is…abc_danngerdog

I spend the better part of my day doing Internet Marketing. My lifelong interest in food and cooking continues to grow as I push myself to learn more about how food works and what it takes to be a great cook.

In this blog I hope to share my experiences in learning new cooking techniques, exploring creative recipes and food combinations as well as time-honored classics, and in using time-saving, multi-tasking kitchen devices.

I grew up in Erie, PA, but have lived in the Cleveland area since 1985. My wife Renee and I live in Chagrin Falls, Ohio with our two kids, Harley The Wonderdog, SamKitty, ZuzuKitten, Penelope the hamster and three drum sets.

This is a must read.  I always catch wind of updates from Renee and thought I needed to pass him along.  Added to my RSS reader…  Enjoy!

Bon Apetit!

