Flexible Like A Weimaraner?

Take a quick peek at the dog…  What do you see?

It’s often said that you have to be flexible, just like the little pup in the picture (which owning one is a goal of mine byYogaDog the way).  This is true with just about any aspect of your life.  Being able to plan, strategize and impact a specific business or personal goal has to allow for the “X-Factor”.  That little something or someone you didn’t plan on.

In the Automotive Service biz we are taught that when we are planning our day and scheduling our clients needs, reserve some time aside to cover for drop-in, tow-in or emergency customers.  There will almost always be a percentage of these each day.  You’ve got to allow for these things to happen in your own mind.

You have to take this type of mentality with your life as well.

And just for the record, this is something that I realize that I need to work on myself.  So if I sound preachy, it’s because I am on my own arse, k"?

I have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with a twist of Perfectionist on the side.  Great combo, I’m sure. 

Candi just “loves” it…  NOT!

You’ve read along over the last few weeks.  You know that I have thinned down my daily routine and really tried to focus in on what I needed to do to be the most impactful.  Whether it be my health, my finances, my career.  I’ve streamlined my day-to-day and removed the garbage.

But at the same time I have made one mental adjustment:  Be Prepared For Anything!

Just like a good Boy Scout, eh?

That sounds easier said than done.  But let’s take a few examples of what I mean:

I expect that my weight loss goals aren’t perfect.  I understand there is a a piece of cheesecake somewhere between me and my objectives.

I expect that financial situations change just like the market.  So I prepare the best I can by saving when times are good.

I expect that my schedule can be train-wrecked.  This flexibility is more of my attitude in accepting that fact, making the adjustment and moving forward after the detour occurs.

I expect that sometimes it will rain on my day off and I can’t go bike riding.  I’ll just go the next day, instead.

These are just a few small examples of what the proper attitude can produce when faced with imperfections in your path to your goals. 

I heard a great analogy.

“Determine if the problem facing you is a 5 Minute Problem, a 5 Hour Problem or a 5 Year Problem”.

Put them in their perspective and let the small stuff stop taking so much of your energy.

Prioritize what’s important and eliminate the junk.

Just like dialing in the sights of a rifle.  Focus, clear the branches and fire!

