You’re Asking The Wrong Question

How often have you asked the question, “Why am I here on this planet anyway”?

We all do.

I have and I’d bet you have too.

But is it the wrong question to ask?

Often we see people the world calls “successful” or “happy” and think that they must have found their purpose. They give off that vibe that they are on the course they should be on in life.

So why is it so hard for people like us to find our path? Our calling?

That starts with knowing who you are.

The Study Of Self

We all have traits and characteristics that we were either born with or we’ve learned as life happens to us.

Some people are

Critical Thinkers
…insert a quality here.

We vary in many ways. Which is what makes this world so amazing.

You have to take a look at yourself and figure out what energizes you and makes you tick.

I will borrow a little material from a friend of mine, Dave Jewitt, who has developed a program called Your One Degree.

Dave contends that finding what moves you is what you should focus your efforts on.

Then you should start working on eliminating those things that you aren’t wired for.

The Question Should Be

Who am I“?

If you figure out who you are, then you can start to bend your life around what fulfills you.

Once you’ve work toward what drives you, the answer to the question “why I’m on this rock” will reveal itself.

A couple of tools to start your quest:

Your One Degree

Dave has a great spiritual perspective on what your DESIGN should be. Quite the enlightening study. Check out his site, or email me and I’ll get you more information.

Tony Robbins’ Personality Profile

This is a free profile test that you can take. It gives you quite a lengthy, yet in depth, report on what drives you.