Let’s Get Started (Again)

I've read a lot over the last couple of months.

Mostly books relating to how I can improve the quality of life, both for myself as well as others.

Somewhere along the way I kept forgetting to write on my blog…

So, here we are again.

1) I simplified the front page of the blotto just show you current posts.

2) I have set some new goals and want to share them with you.

There is much truth in the picture above. It's become easy to get tired and just kinda stop.

Or at least it has been for me.

Here's the rundown of where I've been:

  1. I've added 20 pounds.
  2. I've slowed way down on my running.
  3. Slowed way down on my writing.
  4. I've become kinda negative.

Here's where I am going:

  1. I'm losing those 20 pounds.
  2. I'm running another marathon in Dallas on December 9, 2012.
  3. I'm picking up the pace on my writing.
  4. I quit drinking the Kool Aid and am going back to being positive…

So if you guys are ready, here we go again!

Time for me to start living the example that I should be…