Well, we are in to Week 4 of Marathon training!
So far, so good!
Even better news for us runner types, the weather has finally broken a bit! After 80+ days at over 100°F, your mood starts to fry.
I was just getting exhausted because the only time I could run was at the crack of dawn every day.
That goes against every fiber of my being! I’m not a morning person.
This week’s Long Run was supposed to have me at12 miles. But something went horribly wrong at mile 8.
I had nothing left. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that fatigued on a run.
Reflection lends me toward poor preparation the day before. Hydration, diet… I did it wrong.
Next post, I’ll give more insight to diet and how it helps (or hinders).
See you on the streets
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