The Devil is in the details, right?
So I thought, too.
Over the last few weeks, I have really studied how to narrow down the field of distractions in my life to make a positive change in my life.
Mind you, I’m not removing people or projects.
I am removing the tasks in my life that generate no value other than a loss of time and soul.
Let’s look at a silly example fromt a recent “To Do” list:
“Update To-Do List”
Now, that seems like a valid task, yes? I mean, you must update your list of things to accomplish in order to keep it “orderly”.
It’s redundant!
Of course I need to update my “To Do List”. That’s it’s function for Pete’s sake!
Side bar: Who is Pete? I must Wiki…
Take a strong look at a principle called the Pareto Principle.
The Pareto Principle states that 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes.
That can be taken in a positive or negative light. Let’s explore the positive first.
Positive Side Of Pareto
Only 20% of your effort can impact 80% of your results, if you are efficient at what you do.
Let me phrase that another way.
“You’ve got to prioritze and use your time toward a small amount of work that will yield the greatest result.”
Let’s break down a project.
In my case, I have some 5K events to plan in the first quarter of 2013.
The typical list of things to do are:
- Secure a route.
- Obtain insurance.
- Set the date.
- Determine who the benefactors are.
- Determine who the sponsors are.
- Print the t-shirts.
- Find the volunteers.
- Procure the timing equipment.
- Obtain the permits required.
- The list goes on and on…
Now out of the tasks you have listed, you’ve got to make a heavy amount of impact.
Take your list and break it down by using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being mundane but required, 10 being a must for this event to happen).
In my case, the timing equipment rates a ’10’ because if you don’t have it, you don’t have an event.
The same could be said for setting a date.
My “20%” goes toward yielding an 80% results.
The t-shirts are a requirement, but they will come later.
So work on your lists and start to focus on just a few, yet very important tasks and take massive action.
Take massive action TODAY!
In the next post we’ll discuss the Negative Side Of Paleto.
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