Best Laid Plans Of The Mouse

You've heard the phrase “Best laid plans of mice and men” right?

I put a few to pen last week and set my sights high toward a great week ahead.

My goals included:

  1. Adding some miles.
  2. Dropping some pounds.
  3. Gaining some motivation.
  4. Getting consistent in writing.

Guess what?!

I didn't achieve a damn one of them!

Going through a week of poison ivy, poor eating and some long hours at work, my efforts and goals fell to the wayside.

I allowed three things into my head that derailed my course…

One: Listening To Others “Opinions”

Everyone has them, right? Well intentioned people who give you advice thinking they have your “best interests” at heart.

I think the one qualifying questioning I need to ask you is this:

“Are you taking input from like-minded individuals?”

Advice is always appreciated, but I think from now on I will stick true to my theory that “If they aren't where I am, or where I'm headed” I need to lift them up and move on.

No more advice from people who aren't headed where I am.

Doesn't mean we can't hang out, but I can't afford to relinquish my goals into the hands of another.

Two: Listening To My Own Excuses

I'm really good at thinking thoughts like:

  • I'll do it tomorrow.
  • I can run off those extra calories.
  • I just don't have the time for that today.

The excuses come from lack.

Lack of desire, energy or focus.

Yeah, life gets wild at times. Things happen.

The dogged determination to drive forward has to return.

And these excuses will fade if you figure out number three here…

Three: Determining What You Want

Your goals have to be just that:


If you are building someone else's life, you're wasting your time. I've been so focused on doing the day-to-day menial tasks that I lost sight of my objectives.

Eyes are focused now. Belief is stronger than any obstacle.

It's our life. It's our time. It's now or never.

Are you with me?

See you on the streets…