Why Positive Thinking, Alone, Doesn’t Work

Why Positive Thinking, Alone, Doesn’t Work

Three Things You Must Add To Your Attitude

It’s an ominous message to those of us who spent years reading Norman Vincent Peale’s Power Of Positive Thinking.

Having that positive attitude has always been elusive. Bad days bring bad thoughts. The struggle has always been to keep that smile alive. That can be hard.

Here are three things that I believe, when combined with that great attitude of yours, will catapult you to new successes.

Define Your Beacon

Beacon, by one definition, is a source of light or inspiration.

Who is it that you look toward when the skies start to darken?

  • Your spouse?
  • Your business mentor?
  • Your collaborator?
  • Your friend?
  • Your enemy (if you’re the competitive type)?

Partner with other like-minded individuals that you trust. These relationships will be key in moving toward your goals.

On the flip side of that coin, break some distance between yourself and those who will insert negative thinking into your life.

It doesn’t mean you can’t love that person, but be aware of the vibe they bring to your table.

Being accountable to someone you trust an honor will keep you motivated.

There has to be someone you look toward that will keep your heart in the game.

Know Your Strengths

Playing your game of life by someone else’s rules is a bad call.

You’ve got to spend some time:

  1. Assessing what you’re good at,
  2. Changing your game plan to play on those strengths.

It makes absolutely no sense for a person, such as myself, to engage in something repetitive when my mantra is change

So if you are a visionary or coach by nature, it’s not wise to become the performer or player.

Doing tasks or projects you don’t like will become a thorn in your side.

Working within your strengths will help keep you engaged and excited about life!

Paint Your Picture

In my previous article called Another Brick In Your Wall I discussed defining your dream.

Read that article as a refresher.

Here’s the thing:

 If you can't see where you are going, you'll never make it. 

Combine The Ingredients

Your positive attitude will work if you employ it in something that engages you and prompts you to take action!

  • Find a beacon to champion your cause
  • Survey your strengths
  • Paint a vivid picture of your goal

Then act!