The last time I posted, I talked about Building Your Dream.
I’ve discussed some of the topics in previous posts over the last few years.
Here are a couple of brush-up articles for you to cruise.
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
Those are some tips on how to change the way you speak and how to put some goals on paper. It’s really amazing how those two actions can really give life to your goals and help you to focus on them.
But today’s post is more on the Dream.
Visualizing your future and using the senses to help you move yourself in the direction of your choice.
Just as an example, here is a story of something that I did (by accident) to work on my weight loss:
I went shopping for a new pair of jeans about 3 or so years ago. I tried on one pair to make sure the size was right. I think it was a 40×30. So I picked up a second pair of the same size and checked out of JC Penney’s.
The next day, I went to put on a pair of my brand new jeans. I’d lost a few pounds and was pretty proud of my new 40’s (being that I came from a 44 inch waist). Much to my despair, the other pair that I didn’t try on wouldn’t go too far past my knees!
“Son of a bitch!”
But being the stubborn guy I am, I kept them. I thought to myself, “I wonder what size they are?” being that they were mislabeled.
A couple of years later, it turns out they were 36×30 jeans.
And I wore them.
Now they are too big.
I donated them 6 months ago.
Not that impressive of a story, but it goes to show that having some external motivation helps.
Paint Your Picture
You’ve gotta see it before you believe it, right?
If your goals consist of you losing a few shirt sizes, go buy the shirt you are going to wear.
If you plan to run a 5K, enroll for it. Spend your money on the event and work toward it. Sometimes committment comes off the hip, not the lip.
Whatever it is, you’ve got to be able to appeal to the senses, as well as your intellect.
Yeah, you can think it over in your mind and make it happen.
But nothing sticks with you more than burning the image of your success in your mind.
Just like a picture, it’s got to be detailed and vivid.
Nothing “fuzzy” will work here.
You’ve got to know what you’re chasing in order to get it!
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