Uppie’s Update – Week 26

Ok, the first thing I admit is that I haven’t posted much on here in the last two weeks.  I’ll cover that in a bit.

Secondly, it appears that somewhere along the way I miscalculated the number of weeks that have passed, making my update count inaccurate.  That is now corrected…


Back to life…

Over the last few weeks, a lot of events have happened.  A few goals have come and gone.  Let’s clean up where we left off…

I met my weight goal of 175 lbs.

We managed to close on, and move into, our new home.

Haleigh came down a few weeks ago and stayed here.  Helped us move…  Loved having her here with us.

Ethan is down this week and next.  Looking forward to a driving lesson and some fireworks maybe?  Really enjoying having him down too.

So there are a few highlights.

Now, I‘m over the halfway point in the year and my goals are starting to fade.

Time for some new goals to replace the old…

Physical Goals

My new running goal is to run my first 5K before the end of August.

My new cycling goal is to become more consistent on the weekends and put on some miles.

My exercise goals will include working on muscle.  Especially the upper body.  Amazing how you change shape when you drop some weight.  Kinda creepy

Financial Goals

Continue momentum at work.  Exploring marketing.  Enjoying that quite a bit.

Continue savings and investing plan as is.  It’s working pretty well.

Personal Goals

Continue my reading plan.

Join Toastmasters.

Developing my coaching skills to help others achieve.  (This is a work in progress, leaning toward a “Life Coach” and “Weight Loss Coach” program.)

Anyway, these should keep me busy for a few more weeks…

Tomorrow, I’ll put up the second installment of “Trust”.


**Side note:  The picture is of my brother, Mark, and his daughter Frances…  Loved the pic, thought I’d share it…