Uppie’s Update – Week 14

This has been a long, long weekend.  Drove some miles. Had a wonderful dinner with my 2 daughters.  Had a nice dinner with the in-laws.  Had a nice dinner with the parents.  Reconnected with some old friends.  Said goodbye to an old one.

Here’s the skinny…DSCN0771

Spend more time on the bicycles.  Someone should’ve said something about the accessory purchases.  Those are starting to cost more than the bikes…

Got some friends piling on their goals too!  Thinking about posting an overall weight loss goal.  Like a Total Number Of Lbs. Lost type thing.  Pretty cool watching others succeed!

Weight loss is about the same.  Ate way wrong all weekend.  But it was good.  Guess I keep the weight, but also a little sanity in the mix.  At 185.  Gotta be at 175 by my birthday!

Researching Pastry info.  Recipes and the like.  Got a good one, email it to me?

A good week at the gym.  Work kinda got in the way.  But stayed steady none the same.

Reconnected with Mike Thurman who is working on some symposium info for me.  Looking forward to that.

Spend some time bonding with Candi.  Set out some ambitious goals for ourselves.  Can be rather big ones, but starting out slow.  It’s a good feeling working together on things.

Not much to report.  One of the cool perks about setting and achieving goals?  The list starts to get smaller.

So you gotta come up with more…

This should be interesting.

See you tomorrow with some deeper reflections.
