Who Am I?

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”thinking_man


“As a woman thinketh in her heart, so is she.”


Who we are is who we “THINK” we are.

We’ve been given this powerful little computer between our ears.  It processes millions of memories, activities and actions with little or no effort.  We breathe, our hearts beat, our lungs fill with air – all without flipping a single switch or consciously thinking about it.

Over the years, these little 3 lb. computers collectively store information. 

When we learned to walk, that “how-to” program was retained and used for the rest of our lifespan.

When we learned our native language, we remembered the basics and are continually adding to our vocabulary almost on a daily basis.

When your parents told you that you were an idiot and they didn’t love you, your brain processed that and held it as truth.

Hope you caught that last one…

Your mind keeps up with the mechanical stuff subconsciously.  You body, traditionally, will  operate without you even given the effort to think about it.

But it’s the little things you tell yourself, or others tell you, that you accept as truth that determines who you become as a human being.

Judging by some of the stories I am hearing from some of my readers, life has been difficult.  Either when you were young.  Or even today.

Sometimes what you think of yourself is based on what you’ve been told, or you have told yourself.  Then your mind has accepted it as fact. 

It sounds like bad programming is everywhere.  Parents, friends, family members, spouses, co-workers, employers, ministers.  It seems that all are capable of doing damage to us if we allow it.  It’s usually harder to deal with when it comes from those we have allowed to be close to us.  A lot of the time, we surrender our self-worth to the hands of those who sometimes do not have our best interests at heart.

Let’s take me for example.  Mostly because I’ve been fat most of my life.  Plus I don’t like telling stories about others without permission.

Pretty much from High School on, I’ve been fat.  Over 25 years by my estimation.  I always had been called “Big Guy”, or “Fat Kid”.  After awhile, I just accepted my appearance as my lot in life.  So I began to refer to myself just in the same manor that everyone else had.  I was the “Big Guy”.

I would make fun of myself.  I would laugh at all of the fat jokes.  I’d tell the fat jokes.  Just so I could find a little humor and reprieve.

Over the last 2 years, I’ve dropped 120 lbs. 

Guess what?

To this day, I still think I am fat.  Deep down inside, I still deal with the “Big Guy” and “Fat Kid” thinking.  It’s been in my brain for so long, I’m having to re-engineer my thinking so that I can break free from that feeling.

There are many examples of this defective thinking in my life. 

I bet there is some in your life as well.

There’s one way you can start to remove some of this programming.  Here’s one truth you’ll have to accept before we go forward:

“The person you listen to the most is yourself”.

With that in mind, you are going to have to be the one to fix your programming.  And also choose to elevate the positive part in your mind that already exists.

The next truths you need to embrace:

You aren’t a mistake. 

You do have a purpose.

Your life does matter.

You can change your life.

So here is a project for you…

Write down something that you believe about yourself that you would or others consider negative. 

Then we’ll work on changing it.


Let’s start with your mouth…


Next Week:  “What To Say When You Talk To Yourself”.


I believe in you…
