Happy-Sappy Crap

So, I spend some time patting myself on the back over some of my more recent accomplishments.  Becoming more active and starting to run.  Getting a new job that I really enjoy.  Losing over 120 lbs over the last 2 years.  Quitting smoking after 20 years.

Everyone I share these stories with have different reactions: 003_012_hope

  • “Wow!  I’m so proud of you!”
  • “You really motivate me!”
  • “I’m so glad for you!”

I hear an underlying tone from some who could really care less. 

You might have the idea in your head that they are really sick of hearing all the sappy happy crap I share.  A sarcastic “Yay you…” falls from your lips as you stick your finger down the back of your throat.  Or maybe a “It must be nice to have a perfect life!”.

If so, this blog entry is for you. 

These are the parts that I might not have shared because they were hard to deal with.

  • Changing jobs after 10 years is difficult.
  • Compound a job change with a move to a city you’ve never been to before.
  • When moving, you have now doubled your expenses because there a house you can’t sell.
  • You move 4 1/2 hours away from those you love puts a strain on your heart.
  • The 2 years of weight loss is plagued by multiple failures and feelings of guilt.
  • The getting active has been extremely painful at times on a 38 year old body.
  • Having near-empty bank accounts are miserable.
  • and on and on and on…

So has the changes in my life been easy?

Hell no!

But have they been worth it?


The lessons I’ve learned have been immeasurable in value to me.  I’ve learned to be self-sufficient.  I’ve learned to love without fear of being hurt.  I’ve learned that my self worth is not tied to my checking account balance.  I’ve learned I can make it just about anywhere.

But the most important lesson I’ve learned:

There’s hope.

Anyone can do anything they set their mind to.  I believe that you can be whatever or whoever you wish to be. 

I just want to share the message that someone out here believes in you and hopes above all hopes that you succeed in every facet of your life.

That person is me…
